Why choose Crescent City Fundraising and Cherrydale for your gift catalog sale?
FREE - Packed By Student
Our product is packed by student for your convenience for FREE! Gone are the days of frustrating distribution lines and trying to sell extras! We pack every student's order by unit separately which ensures an exceptionally smooth disribution process.
FREE Order Forms
We provide FREE brochures for each member of your group. We also include cash collection envelopes to collect and store your cash and checks that are collected during the sales process.
FREE Data Entry
All you need to do is send back your order forms using the prepaid UPS label that we include. We will tally up all of your orders and place your order.
We have some options this year on running a cookie dough / catalog fundraisers. If you are looking to do online only then we suggest Hometown Holiday and the Grab and Go catalogs. We can send home catalog with no order forms. Products ordered can be shipped to home. If you want order forms and no product sent to the school, then the parent must collect the money and order online and have product delivered to their house for distribution.
If you are wanting to do the frozen cookie dough, a hybrid model, then we suggest the Otis and the Hometown Holiday catalogs. The dry product can be shipped to home or school (as in the past) and the frozen needs to be shipped to one location (either the school or another distribution point). In this case order forms are needed.
Profit to the school is 40% profit.
Contact us for prize program information.